5 étapes pour bien appliquer son vernis à ongles - 23Beauty Paris

5 steps to properly applying your nail polish

How to ensure that your nail polish lasts 4 to 5 days while having your nails cared for and protected? We have prepared an advice sheet for you with our manicure experts.

Necessary material :

  • A nail file
  • A polisher
  • A cuticle oil
  • A wooden stick to push back cuticles
  • A base
  • A nail polish
  • A top coat
  • Cotton pads or cotton swabs
  • Solvent

Estimated time : 30 to 45 minutes

1) File your nails

We like cardboard files, or more eco-responsible glass files. These latter files the nails less quickly but have the merit of protecting them but above all of lasting over time. Basically, once you buy one, you'll keep it for years.

In order not to break the nails, file the edges then finalize by giving the desired shape (round, rounded or even square)

2) Heal

You can apply cuticle oil afterwards to push them back. They will be softened and the action will be easier to perform. At home, we do not recommend cutting cuticles as this can be a source of infection and pain. Pampering your cuticles is important, because it protects the nail matrix

If by pushing them back you have a lot of dry or damaged skin and if you are equipped, you can use a cuticle cutter with great caution.

3) Apply a base coat

The base coat touch has 2 functions: protect your nail and extend your manicure.

The important thing is to let it dry well before applying the varnish.

4) Apply 2 coats of varnish

The first coat of varnish should be thin.

You can start by applying the brush to the middle of the nail, then on each side to finish.

Before applying the 2nd coat, make sure your varnish has dried well.

Repeat the first operation, applying a thin layer, always from the middle, from the base of the nail to the tip.

5) Finalize with a layer of top coat

The 5th step is to apply a touch of top coat. The best is to wait until your nails are dry before finalizing your manicure with them!

 Trick : Soak several cotton swabs and cotton pads in nail polish remover, without acetone, before starting to apply your varnish. This will allow you to complete the corrections at the end of application, without accident!

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