5 tips to stop biting your nails easily
How to stop biting your nails? In times of stress, or extreme fatigue, it is difficult for some of us to contain ourselves. It's even more complicated if it's a habit that's been present for several years. So, without feeling guilty, we give you 5 ways to stop or space out difficult phases!
Why do I bite my nails?
Stop biting your nails, easy? This compulsive habit linked to stress and anxiety affects on average a third of French people. From simple biting to the most critical cases involving injuries, this minor act impacts more and more people. It is important to note that the living environment in which we live has a strong impact on our level of stress. In adults, onychophagia, to use a more medical term, is the real enemy of our hands. The unflattering or even unsightly aesthetic side can bother some people, while for others it can be a real obstacle in everyday life.
That's why we're going to help you better manage the situation!
- The bitter glaze
This famous varnish found in pharmacies, drugstores or on the internet is known to everyone. Its application like an ordinary varnish leaves a thin transparent layer, matte or shiny depending on the brand. Once the product has dried, you can go about your business again. But be careful if you have the misfortune of putting one of your fingers in your mouth, because this chemical taste remains on the tongue for several minutes and may dissuade you from trying your luck again!
- Hand cream
Regardless of the brand, a good moisturizing hand cream is always essential. We particularly recommend the richest ones to solve your problem, because the more a fatty film protects them, the less appetizing you will find them. In addition, these are often accompanied by floral odors which will leave you with an unpleasant taste in your mouth. Your hands will therefore be hydrated and your nails spared! It's a perfect cream to stop biting your nails, once you're at home or in the evening when you go to bed.
- False nails
Nothing could be simpler than combining business with pleasure. Make an appointment at an institute and let yourself be pampered. When you come out, you will have manicured nails for at least two weeks, as yours will be well hidden under the falsies. Nothing stops you from reproducing the same pattern, but their rigidity will quickly discourage you. Little extra: your natural nails will even take time to grow and regain strength. This is a short-term solution because wearing false nails every month risks damaging the matrix of your nails over time.
- A short manicure
If the slightest thing that sticks out ends up in your teeth over and over again, it's better to be safe than sorry. By filing your nails every 1 to 2 weeks, and moisturizing , you won't give them time to grow and your mouth won't be able to handle them. Short and regular nails will give a clean and healthy look to your hands, which can be accompanied by different polishes according to your preferences. It will also make you feel bad about ruining your freshly painted nails.
- To manage stress
For more in-depth work, alternative herbal medicine, therapy, playing a sport or simply taking time for yourself can help. Anxiety is not an emotion to feel often or to get used to. Our body sends us its signals to alert us, and it is up to us to try to identify it as soon as the first signs appear. There's nothing wrong with feeling anxious or stressed, as long as it doesn't stop you from living your daily life. If this is the case, do not hesitate to seek help from a specialist.